
We can't list exact prices here, because every job is very different. Your best option is to call us at 469-410-3105 and describe your problem, and we can give you a price estimate over the phone.

Small Jobs: $100 + An example might be a one-stop trip to remove a snake in the patio, or dead animal in the attic. Not a far drive outside our service range.

Medium Jobs: $250 + An example might be a multi-stop project involving setting traps, returning twice to remove and relocate wildlife, minor repairs, etc.

Large Jobs: $500 + An example might be a project with several service visits, full home and attic inspection, multiple animals, complex repairs, attic cleanup, etc.

Many of us don't give a second thought to such animals as squirrels or birds coming around our house, but these critters can become a serious nuisance over time. Not only do they leave their droppings and urine everywhere, but they can destroy the look of your home. Plus, they may chew on wiring, damaged siding boards, or destroy your garden. You need a professional wildlife removal service that can safely and effectively keep these animals from coming around and this is what we are here to provide you with. For over a decade our company has provided the very best wildlife removal service in the area. Our technicians are trained in state-of-the-art techniques that safely and effectively remove these animals quickly without posing a risk to either the animals or your family. We choose humane techniques that work, and this is part of the reason why we have been named as the #1 wildlife removal service in the area each of the last three years. We know that these kinds of animals can be a problem, so we want to assist you in getting them out right away. Plus, we can handle any type of wildlife animal you may have a problem with. It doesn't matter whether it is skunks, rats, bats, snakes, or any other type of similar animal. We have the expert staff that is ready to assist you. If you are having a problem with these kinds of wild animals, there is no sense waiting. We have operators on duty 24 hours a day ready to assist you.